How to download youtube videos with python library

You'll need to utilize the Python package pytube to download YouTube videos using Python. You can access and even download YouTube videos using this library. It's simple to install the Pytube library. Just carry out these actions.

A little library called pytube was created to make downloading YouTube videos simple. The "pytube" library is simple to install! Just carry out these actions.

Install Pytube and submt a request.

On your computer, launch the terminal or command prompt. Android users can use termux.

Request for '''bash pip install pytube pip'''

2. Once the "pytube" library has been imported into your Python program, you can start utilizing it! 

To download the YouTube videos, write Python code.

Import YouTube in Python from PyTube

Defined function: download_youtube_video(url, output_path="./")


          # Create a YouTube object with the provided URL

        yt = YouTube(url)

        # Get the highest resolution stream available

        video_stream = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()

        # Get the video title

        video_title = yt.title

        # Download the video to the specified output path

        print(f"Video '{video_title}' downloaded successfully to '{output_path}'")

    except Exception as e:

        print(f"Error: {e}")

# Example usage:

youtube_url = ""

download_youtube_video(youtube_url, output_path="./downloads/")


You can Replace "" in the youtube_url variable with the URL of the YouTube video you want to download. The downloaded video will be saved to the specified `output_path`.

Note that downloading videos from YouTube may violate YouTube's terms of service, so it's best to check the terms before using the "pytube" library. Also, YouTube's features may change over time, so the library may need to be updated to remain compatible. 


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