Top 10 Programming Languages for Full Stack Developers to Learn in 2023



In the dynamic landscape of web development, staying updated with the latest programming languages is crucial for full stack developers. With 2023 underway, let's explore some of the top programming languages that should be on your radar to master. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, these languages can enhance your skills and help you build impressive web applications from front to back.

Here are the top 10 programming languages for full-stack developers in 2023:

  1. JavaScript
  2. Python
  3. Java
  4. TypeScript
  5. Ruby
  6. PHP
  7. C#
  8. Go
  9. Kotlin
  10. Swift

These languages offer a good balance between frontend and backend development, making them popular choices for full-stack development. 

1. JavaScript

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, stands as one of the cornerstones of modern web development. Its versatility and dynamic nature have made it an essential programming language for creating interactive and engaging web applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of JavaScript programming, exploring its features, syntax, and real-world applications, while also providing valuable insights that go beyond the surface level.

Understanding the Core Concepts of JavaScript:

1. Variables and Data Types:

Dive into the world of variables, constants, and different data types available in JavaScript. Understand how to store and manipulate data efficiently.

2. Control Structures and Loops: 

Learn about conditional statements like if, else, and switch, and explore different loop structures like for, while, and do-while, enabling you to control the flow of your code.

3. Functions and Scope:

Uncover the power of functions in JavaScript and how they allow you to organize your code into reusable blocks. Gain insight into variable scope, closures, and the importance of lexical scoping.

Interactive User Interfaces with JavaScript:

1. DOM Manipulation:

Discover how JavaScript interacts with the Document Object Model (DOM) to dynamically alter and update the content and structure of web pages, making them responsive and user-friendly.

2. Event Handling:

Delve into event-driven programming, understanding how to capture and respond to user interactions such as clicks, inputs, and scrolls, thereby creating seamless and engaging user experiences.

3. Asynchronous Programming: 

Explore the concept of callbacks, promises, and async/await, which allow JavaScript to handle tasks concurrently without blocking the main thread, resulting in smoother user interactions.

Advanced JavaScript Techniques:

1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

Learn how to create and utilize objects, constructors, and prototypes to implement OOP principles in JavaScript, enabling you to build modular and maintainable code.

2. Modules and Bundlers:

Discover the benefits of modular programming by organizing your code into reusable modules. Explore tools like Webpack and Rollup that optimize and bundle your code for efficient delivery.

3. Error Handling and Debugging:

Gain insights into effective debugging techniques and error handling strategies that will help you identify and rectify issues in your codebase.

Exploring Modern JavaScript Frameworks:

1. React:

Get a glimpse into the world of React, a popular JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. Learn about components, state management, and the virtual DOM.

2. Vue.js:

Explore Vue.js, another prominent JavaScript framework that offers simplicity and versatility. Understand its reactivity system and how it simplifies building interactive applications.

3. Angular:

Dive into the Angular framework, uncovering its comprehensive toolkit for building large-scale applications. Learn about components, services, and dependency injection.

Best Practices and Optimization:

1. Code Efficiency:

Discover techniques to write clean and efficient code, including tips for optimizing performance and reducing load times for web applications.

2. Security Considerations: 

Understand common security vulnerabilities in JavaScript applications and learn how to implement measures to protect your code and user data.

3. Testing and Debugging:

Explore strategies for effective testing and debugging to ensure your JavaScript code functions as intended, improving the overall quality of your applications.

JavaScript's evolution from a simple scripting language to a versatile and powerful programming language has shaped the landscape of web development. By mastering the core concepts, exploring advanced techniques, and embracing modern frameworks, developers can harness the true potential of JavaScript to create exceptional web experiences. With dedication and continuous learning, you can become a JavaScript maestro, driving innovation and excellence in the ever-evolving realm of web development.

2. Python: 

Python, a versatile and widely used programming language, has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries. In this article, we delve into the key features and functions of Python, along with relevant subtopics that showcase its significance in the world of programming.

Introduction to Python Programming:

Key Features of Python:

1. Dynamic Typing:

Python employs dynamic typing, allowing variables to change types during runtime. This flexibility simplifies coding and speeds up development.

2. Indentation:

Unlike many languages that use curly braces, Python uses indentation to denote code blocks. This enforces consistent formatting and enhances code readability.

3. Rich Standard Library: 

Python boasts an extensive standard library with modules that facilitate various tasks, from file handling to web development.

4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: 

Python is platform-independent, enabling code to run seamlessly on different operating systems.

Functions in Python:

1. Built-in Functions:

Python offers a plethora of built-in functions like print(), len(), and input() that expedite common operations.

2. User-Defined Functions: 

Developers can create their own functions using the `def` keyword. This enhances code modularity and reusability.

3. Lambda Functions:

Also known as anonymous functions, lambda functions are concise and used for simple operations.

4. Recursion:

Python supports recursive functions, allowing a function to call itself for solving complex problems.

Subtopics in Python Programming:

1. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

Python's OOP capabilities facilitate code organization and modular design through concepts like classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism.

2. Exception Handling:

The try and except blocks manage exceptions, preventing code crashes and enabling graceful error handling.

3. File Handling:

Python provides various functions for reading from and writing to files, making it an essential skill for data manipulation.

4. Data Structures:

Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets are fundamental data structures that store and manipulate data efficiently.

5. Modules and Packages:

Python's module system encourages code reusability. Multiple modules can be bundled into packages, streamlining project organization.

6. Web Development:

Python's frameworks like Django and Flask simplify web development by providing tools for creating dynamic and interactive websites.

7. Data Science and Analysis: 

Python's libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib are invaluable for data manipulation, analysis, and visualization.

8. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

Python's simplicity and libraries like TensorFlow and scikit-learn make it a preferred choice for AI and ML projects.

Python's elegant syntax, extensive libraries, and versatile functions make it a programming language suitable for various domains. Its readability and ease of learning have contributed to its widespread adoption among both beginners and seasoned developers. As you embark on your journey with Python, exploring its functions and subtopics will empower you to create efficient and innovative solutions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

3. Java

In the world of programming languages, Java stands as an enduring giant. Its versatility, reliability, and widespread adoption have cemented its position as a powerhouse for building a wide array of applications. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of Java programming, exploring its key features, benefits, real-world applications, and even some advanced concepts. Whether you're a novice or an experienced developer, this article aims to provide you with valuable insights into the Java programming language.

Understanding Java: A Foundation Built on Versatility

Java, originally developed by James Gosling and his team at Sun Microsystems in the mid-1990s, is renowned for its "Write Once, Run Anywhere" capability. This platform independence is achieved through the use of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), which enables Java code to be executed on various platforms without modification.

Key Features that Set Java Apart

1. Object-Oriented Paradigm: 

Java's object-oriented nature promotes code reusability, making it easier to maintain and extend programs.

2. Platform Independence: 

The JVM ensures that Java code is not bound to a specific operating system, enhancing its portability.

3. Robust and Secure: 

Java's strict compile-time checking and runtime error handling contribute to its robustness. Its security features, like the "sandbox" model for applets, add an extra layer of protection against malicious code.

4. Multi-threading: 

Java's built-in support for multi-threading simplifies the development of concurrent and parallel applications.

5. Rich API Library: 

Java's extensive standard library offers pre-built classes and methods that accelerate development, covering areas such as data structures, networking, and user interface development.

Java in the Real World

Java's adaptability has led to its use in a myriad of applications:

1. Enterprise Software: 

Java's robustness and scalability make it a preferred choice for developing enterprise-level applications, including customer relationship management (CRM) systems, financial software, and inventory management systems.

2. Android App Development:

Java is the primary language used for developing Android applications, enabling millions of developers to contribute to the vibrant Android ecosystem.

3. Web Applications: 

Java's server-side capabilities power a vast number of web applications, with frameworks like Spring and JavaServer Faces (JSF) streamlining development.

4. Scientific and Research Applications:

Java's versatility extends to scientific computing, bioinformatics, and research applications, thanks to its performance and extensive libraries.

Mastering Advanced Concepts

For developers seeking to push the boundaries, Java offers advanced features worth exploring:

1. Lambda Expressions: 

Introduced in Java 8, lambdas simplify the writing of concise and functional-style code.

2. Streams API: 

The Streams API facilitates the processing of sequences of elements in a functional and parallelizable way.

3. Modules: 

Java 9 introduced modules to create more maintainable and scalable applications by encapsulating code.

4. JVM Internals: 

Delve into the inner workings of the JVM to optimize performance, memory management, and garbage collection.

Best Practices for Java Development

1. Code Readability:

Write clean, well-documented code that follows Java naming conventions for better collaboration and maintainability.

2. Memory Management: 

Properly manage memory by avoiding memory leaks and unnecessary object creation, optimizing application performance.

3. Version Control: 

Use version control systems like Git to track changes, collaborate with others, and ensure codebase integrity.

4. Testing and Debugging: 

Employ robust testing methodologies and debugging techniques to catch issues early in the development cycle.

Java's enduring legacy is a testament to its adaptability, performance, and vast community support. Whether you're building enterprise-level applications, Android apps, or exploring advanced programming concepts, Java continues to be a valuable asset in the world of software development. By understanding its core features, exploring real-world applications, and mastering advanced concepts, developers can harness Java's power to create innovative and reliable solutions that stand the test of time.

4. TypeScript: 

TypeScript has emerged as a powerful programming language that offers developers the best of both worlds: the flexibility of JavaScript and the added advantages of static typing. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the world of TypeScript, exploring its unique features, benefits, and real-world applications.

1. Understanding TypeScript:

In this section, we'll start by explaining what TypeScript is and how it differs from JavaScript. We'll delve into the concept of static typing, highlighting how it contributes to improved code quality, early error detection, and enhanced developer productivity. By the end of this section, you'll have a solid understanding of why TypeScript has gained such popularity among developers.

2. Getting Started with TypeScript:

Now that we have a grasp of the basics, it's time to get hands-on. We'll guide you through setting up your development environment for TypeScript, covering tools like Node.js and popular code editors. A step-by-step tutorial on writing your first TypeScript program will ensure that you're comfortable with the syntax and structure.

3. TypeScript Fundamentals:

Building upon the basics, this section will take a deep dive into TypeScript's fundamental concepts. From primitive data types to user-defined types, interfaces, and enums, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively define and manage data structures in TypeScript.

4. Advanced Type Features:

One of TypeScript's standout features is its ability to handle complex type scenarios. We'll explore advanced type features like generics, union types, intersection types, and conditional types. Clear examples and real-world use cases will showcase how these features enable developers to write more flexible and reusable code.

5. TypeScript and Modern Development:

TypeScript seamlessly integrates with modern development practices and tools. We'll cover how to use TypeScript with popular frameworks like React and Angular, demonstrating how type annotations enhance the development experience and prevent common errors. Additionally, we'll explore tools like Webpack and Babel for optimizing TypeScript projects.

6. Migrating to TypeScript:

 If you're currently working with a JavaScript project and considering migrating to TypeScript, this section is for you. We'll guide you through the migration process, providing tips to ensure a smooth transition without disrupting your existing codebase. This step-by-step guide will help you harness the power of TypeScript in your existing projects.

7. TypeScript Best Practices:

Writing clean and maintainable code is crucial in any programming language. We'll share a comprehensive set of best practices for TypeScript development, covering topics such as naming conventions, code organization, error handling, and performance optimization. By following these guidelines, you'll be able to create code that is not only functional but also easy to maintain.

8. Real-World Applications:

 To demonstrate the real-world prowess of TypeScript, we'll showcase examples of its usage in various domains. From building scalable web applications to server-side programming with Node.js, from mobile app development to integrating with APIs, you'll see how TypeScript's features can be applied to solve a wide range of challenges.

9. TypeScript's Future and Community:

TypeScript's journey is ongoing, and its community is vibrant. We'll explore upcoming features and improvements in TypeScript, giving you insights into what the future holds. Additionally, we'll provide resources for further learning, including online communities, blogs, and conferences dedicated to TypeScript.

TypeScript has revolutionized the way developers write and maintain code. Its blend of dynamic and static typing, along with a myriad of advanced features, empowers developers to create more robust, scalable, and efficient applications. By mastering TypeScript through this comprehensive guide, you'll be well-equipped to take your programming skills to new heights and tackle complex challenges with confidence. 

5. Ruby:

The world of programming languages is a diverse landscape, each with its own unique features and benefits. Among them, Ruby shines as a gem that offers a delightful experience for developers. In this comprehensive guide, we will take a deep dive into the essence of Ruby programming, exploring its syntax, core principles, and practical applications. If you're a seasoned developer looking to expand your skill set or a newcomer excited to learn a powerful language, this blog post is your gateway to unlocking the magic of Ruby.

Chapter 1: The Beauty of Simplicity

Ruby's syntax is often described as elegant and intuitive, embodying the principle of "less is more." Unlike other languages, Ruby's syntax prioritizes readability and ease of use, enabling developers to express complex ideas with minimal code. We'll walk through examples that highlight the simplicity of defining classes, methods, and variables, showcasing how Ruby empowers programmers to focus on the logic rather than the syntax.

Chapter 2: Object-Oriented Paradigm

At the heart of Ruby lies its strong commitment to the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm. We'll delve into the concept of objects and classes, explaining how Ruby treats everything as an object. This unique approach simplifies code organization and promotes reusable, modular design. Through engaging examples, we'll illustrate how OOP in Ruby paves the way for building scalable and maintainable applications.

Chapter 3: Dynamic Typing and Metaprogramming

Ruby's dynamic typing allows for flexible coding, enabling developers to change variable types during runtime. We'll explore the benefits and potential challenges of this feature, showcasing how it fosters agility in coding. Additionally, we'll uncover the world of metaprogramming, where Ruby truly shines. Metaprogramming empowers developers to write code that writes code, leading to efficient and concise solutions.

Chapter 4: Gems and Libraries Galore

One of the most appealing aspects of Ruby is its extensive ecosystem of gems and libraries. These pre-built modules save developers time and effort, allowing them to leverage existing solutions and focus on solving unique challenges. We'll guide you through the process of integrating gems into your projects, sharing tips on selecting the right ones and contributing to the community.

Chapter 5: Practical Applications

No programming language guide is complete without exploring real-world applications. We'll showcase the versatility of Ruby by discussing its use in web development, automation, data analysis, and more. From building dynamic websites using Ruby on Rails to automating tasks with scripting, you'll gain insights into how Ruby can empower you in various domains.

Chapter 6: Building a Web Application with Ruby on Rails

In this hands-on chapter, we'll guide you through the process of creating a simple web application using Ruby on Rails. You'll learn how to set up your development environment, define models and controllers, create views, and implement essential features. By the end of this chapter, you'll have a functional web app that demonstrates the power and ease of Ruby on Rails.

Chapter 7: Best Practices and Coding Standards

To master any programming language, understanding best practices and adhering to coding standards is crucial. We'll provide you with a comprehensive set of guidelines for writing clean, maintainable Ruby code. From naming conventions to error handling, you'll discover the principles that will elevate your coding skills and make you a more efficient developer.

As we conclude our journey through the world of Ruby programming, you've gained a deep understanding of its elegance, power, and versatility. Whether you're a beginner embarking on your coding adventure or a seasoned developer seeking new avenues, Ruby offers a playground for creativity and innovation. Armed with the knowledge and insights from this guide, you're ready to write code that not only works but also reflects the artistry of programming with Ruby.

Embrace Ruby's simplicity, harness its dynamic capabilities, and join a vibrant community of developers who have fallen in love with this remarkable programming language. Your coding journey is about to reach new heights with Ruby as your trusted companion.

6. PHP:

In the vast landscape of programming languages, PHP stands as a cornerstone, powering a significant portion of the web. With its ability to seamlessly integrate with HTML and interact with databases, PHP has been a go-to language for web developers for decades. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of PHP, exploring its history, features, and practical applications that make it a must-know language for any aspiring web developer.

Chapter 1: A Glimpse into PHP's Evolution

The journey of PHP begins in the mid-1990s when Rasmus Lerdorf developed "Personal Home Page Tools" to manage his own website. Over time, this evolved into the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) we know today. We'll explore the language's historical roots and how it transformed into a robust scripting language.

Chapter 2: PHP Basics Made Easy

Before diving into complex projects, it's essential to grasp PHP's fundamentals. We'll cover variables, data types, operators, and control structures, equipping you with the skills needed to start coding with confidence.

Chapter 3: Building Dynamic Web Pages

One of PHP's primary strengths is its ability to create dynamic web pages. We'll guide you through embedding PHP within HTML, form handling, and server-side scripting techniques that enable you to create personalized user experiences.

Chapter 4: Interacting with Databases Effortlessly

A cornerstone of modern web applications is their ability to store and retrieve data. Discover how PHP can be used to interact with popular databases like MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. From basic CRUD operations to advanced database management, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding.

Chapter 5: Mastering Object-Oriented PHP

Elevate your programming skills by delving into object-oriented PHP. Learn about classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation, and explore how this paradigm enhances code reusability and maintainability.

Chapter 6: Ensuring Security in PHP Applications

With great power comes great responsibility. We'll address common security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Discover best practices and techniques to safeguard your PHP applications from malicious attacks.

Chapter 7: Beyond the Basics: PHP Frameworks

Explore the world of PHP frameworks, such as Laravel, Symfony, and CodeIgniter. These frameworks streamline development, promote code organization, and provide tools for building robust applications efficiently.

Chapter 8: Deploying and Scaling PHP Applications

Taking your PHP application from development to deployment requires careful planning. We'll discuss deployment strategies, server configurations, and scalability considerations, ensuring your application can handle increased traffic and demand.

Chapter 9: PHP's Role in the Future of Web Development

As technology continues to evolve, so does PHP. Discover the latest advancements, including PHP 8's features, performance improvements, and its continued relevance in an ever-changing web development landscape.

PHP's journey from a simple scripting tool to a versatile programming language is a testament to its enduring popularity. Armed with the knowledge gained from this guide, you're equipped to build dynamic web applications, interact with databases, and navigate the world of PHP frameworks. Remember, every line of code you write in PHP contributes to the vast tapestry of the web, making your mark on the digital world. 

7. C#:

C# (pronounced as "C sharp") is a powerful and versatile programming language that has gained immense popularity among developers for its robustness, flexibility, and ease of use. With a wide range of applications, from building desktop applications to web services and game development, C# is a must-learn language for any programmer. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the key features, advantages, and practical tips to help you master C# programming and elevate your coding skills.

1. Understanding the Basics:

Before diving into the more advanced aspects of C#, it's crucial to establish a solid foundation. Familiarize yourself with fundamental concepts such as variables, data types, operators, and control structures. C# is known for its simple syntax, making it easier for beginners to grasp the essentials quickly.

2. Object-Oriented Paradigm:

One of the standout features of C# is its strong support for object-oriented programming (OOP). Learn about classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism to harness the power of OOP in your projects. By creating reusable and modular code, you'll be able to streamline your development process and maintain clean codebases.

3. Exception Handling:

Robust error handling is crucial in any application. C# provides a comprehensive exception handling mechanism that enables you to gracefully manage runtime errors. Dive into the try-catch blocks, custom exceptions, and the "finally" clause to ensure your code handles unexpected situations effectively.

4. C# Language Features:

C# comes packed with a plethora of language features that contribute to its versatility. Explore lambda expressions, delegates, events, and LINQ (Language Integrated Query) to enhance your coding capabilities. These features enable you to write concise and expressive code, boosting your productivity.

5. .NET Framework and Core:

C# is tightly integrated with the .NET framework, which offers a rich set of libraries and APIs for various application types. With the advent of .NET Core (now known as .NET 5+), cross-platform development has become more accessible. Explore the nuances of building applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS using the latest .NET technologies.

6. User Interface Development:

Whether you're creating a desktop application or a mobile app, C# provides versatile options for user interface development. Delve into Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for Windows applications, Xamarin for cross-platform mobile apps, and ASP.NET for web development. Each platform offers unique capabilities tailored to specific use cases.

7. Performance Optimization:

Writing efficient code is a skill every programmer should master. Learn about memory management, profiling tools, and performance optimization techniques specific to C# to create applications that run smoothly and respond quickly to user interactions.

8. Game Development with Unity:

C# is the primary scripting language for Unity, one of the leading game engines. Explore how C# is used to create interactive and immersive gaming experiences. Learn about game physics, animations, scripting behaviors, and integrating gameplay mechanics using C# in Unity.


Mastering C# programming opens up a world of opportunities for developers. From building powerful desktop applications to creating engaging games and web services, the versatility of C# is unmatched. By understanding its core concepts, exploring advanced language features, and applying best practices, you'll be well on your way to becoming a proficient C# developer. So, roll up your sleeves, fire up your favorite development environment, and embark on a journey to unleash the true potential of C#

8. Go (Golang): 

Go, often referred to as Golang, is renowned for its efficiency and built-in support for concurrency. It's well-suited for developing scalable backend services that require high performance, making it a preferred choice for building web applications that handle a significant amount of traffic.


In the ever-evolving landscape of programming, the choice of programming language is paramount. Developers often find themselves at a crossroads, selecting the ideal language to bring their projects to life. In this blog post, we delve into the world of three powerful programming languages – Go, Kotlin, and Swift. While each language has its own unique strengths, we'll explore how they excel in different scenarios, fostering innovation and efficiency across the software development landscape.

Bridging Performance and Productivity

Go, often referred to as Golang, has rapidly gained popularity for its seamless blend of performance and productivity. Developed by Google, Go's statically typed, compiled nature enables lightning-fast execution, making it an ideal choice for building high-performance applications. Its clean syntax, automatic memory management, and built-in concurrency support empower developers to create efficient, scalable, and concurrent applications with ease. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, Go is the go-to language for projects demanding speed, reliability, and minimalistic elegance.

9. Kotlin:   

In the realm of Android app development, Kotlin has emerged as a game-changer. An officially supported language by Google, Kotlin seamlessly integrates with existing Java codebases while bringing modern features to the table. Its expressive syntax reduces boilerplate code, enhancing developer productivity and readability. Kotlin's null safety feature prevents many common programming errors, promoting robust and stable applications. With its rich standard library and compatibility with Java, Kotlin shines as the perfect choice for crafting user-friendly, performant, and maintainable Android apps.

10. Swift:

 Elevating iOS and macOS Development

For developers immersed in the Apple ecosystem, Swift is the language that fuels innovation. Created by Apple, Swift's emphasis on readability and performance sets it apart. Its modern syntax simplifies code development, reducing the cognitive load on developers. Swift's memory management model combines safety and performance, minimizing memory-related issues. Furthermore, Swift Playground provides an interactive environment for experimenting and learning, making it an excellent language for both beginners and experienced programmers. With Swift, crafting seamless, fast, and delightful experiences across iOS and macOS platforms becomes second nature.

4. Comparing Strengths: Go, Kotlin, and Swift

While each language boasts its own strengths, let's briefly compare their key attributes:

Performance: Go excels in high-performance scenarios, Kotlin shines in Android development, and Swift powers immersive experiences on Apple devices.

Concurrency: Go's goroutines offer effortless concurrency, Kotlin's Coroutines streamline asynchronous operations, and Swift's DispatchQueue ensures smooth multitasking.

 Syntax: Go's simplicity, Kotlin's expressiveness, and Swift's modernity all contribute to enhanced code readability and maintainability.


Go's standard library, Kotlin's Java interoperability, and Swift's rich API ecosystem equip developers with essential tools.

Python for web development 


As a full stack developer in 2023, the programming languages you choose to learn can significantly impact your ability to create innovative and efficient web applications. Whether you opt for JavaScript's versatility, Python's simplicity, TypeScript's type safety, Rust's security, Go's efficiency, or Ruby's expressiveness, each language has its unique strengths that cater to different aspects of full stack development. By investing time in mastering these languages, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities the web development landscape presents.


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